Nearly 1 in 4 United States households include someone who suffers from migraines. Migraines account for the 3rd most prevalent illness in the world.
Sunlight and heat are triggering factors in many migraine patients, especially during peak daytime hours.
From wearing sunglasses to avoiding being outside during certain times of the day, there are ways to alleviate migraines. Perhaps the best way to avoid migraines, though, is by exploring window tint options, especially if you drive during the day.
Are you considering getting your car windows tinted and want to know more about the benefits of tinted windows? Keep scrolling to learn about migraines and 3 reasons why auto tinting can help prevent them.
Simply put, a migraine is a type of headache. It can cause severe pain and other symptoms, like auras, nausea, and sensitivity to sound and light.
Throbbing headaches that can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days, migraines usually affect one side of the head in particular. Some individuals get to know the warning symptoms that precede these painful headaches.
Hormonal changes, certain drinks or food, exercise, and stress can all become triggers for a migraine. While many migraine sufferers look to pain-relieving medications to help manage their pain, there are other preventative means to try as well.
Here are 3 reasons why tinted glass for cars can help.
For many people, bright lights and glaring sunlight can bring about a migraine attack, as sunlight is one of the most common triggers for those with light sensitivity.
Without proper protection, a migraine can start to settle in just 5 to 10 minutes after sun or bright light exposure. If this happens to you, you're a victim of light-sensitive migraine attacks.
One of the many benefits of tinted windows is that they protect you and your eyes from that bright sunlight.
It's not just the sun's light that can bring on a migraine - the sun's heat can too, especially if it contributes to dehydration.
When your body is exposed to higher temperatures, it needs more water to make up for what you're losing through sweat. If you're dehydrated, it can trigger either a headache or a migraine.
Window tints either reflect or absorb UV light, which helps to keep your car cooler. Plus, tinted windows will keep your vehicle's interior from fading. Fading lowers the value of your car, too, so you can look at window tinting as an investment.
Weather conditions can cause changes in one's serotonin levels, thus disrupting the body's hormones. Hormonal fluctuations are common migraine triggers, and they can also cause headaches.
Humidity is one of the triggers behind migraines, too. If your windows are tinted, you'll be able to avoid some of those humid effects and keep your car cooler, faster, and by using less AC power.
Plus, prolonged exposure to higher temperatures can put you at risk for heat exhaustion, which can quickly lead to heatstroke.
Window tinting entails using preventative methods to stop higher levels of sunlight and heat from passing through the glass on your car.
Typically, tinters apply a colored film over the windshield, rear window, and side windows of a vehicle.
Most newer cars have already been treated to some degree with window tinting during the manufacturing process. Helping to keep out those harmful UV rays, manufacturers ensure their tinting is compliant with state and federal tinting regulations and laws.
For many drivers, it's not enough, though, and they opt to invest in additional tinting for their vehicle's windows.
Some drivers choose only to tint specific windows in their automobiles. Others opt to tint the back windows darker than their front windows and windshield.
For a more seamless look that offers the full benefits of UV protection, a full and even tint job is the choice many drivers make.
The important thing is to ensure your window tint complies with your state's laws. Otherwise, you could end up getting pulled over and ticketing again and again for not being compliant.
If you're curious about Florida's regulations, this article provides a breakdown of tinting regulations and what happens when you break them.
In addition to providing up to 99% protection against harmful UV rays, tinted windows protect against migraines by standing up to heat, light, and humidity.
There is a myriad of other benefits of tinted glass for cars, too:
If anything unexpected happens while driving, tinting will help to protect you and your passengers by making your windows partially shatter-proof against flying objects or unforeseen impacts.
if you're looking to make a change that will not only help to combat your migraines but also protect your car, don't hesitate to consider window tint options.
While it's crucial to ensure you follow your state's regulations, any reputable professional tinters will worry about that for you.
Do you have any questions, or are you ready to get a free estimate for your automobile? Contact us so that we can put you one step closer to looking and feeling good in your car! Flying Window Tinters in Longwood has serviced satisfied customers from all over Longwood, Orlando, Seminole County, and Orange County areas.